What We Do
We work with genuine purpose.
By making the most of every piece of timber we elevate our reputation as a leader, not just a supplier.

We are a processing, service and distribution company specialising in precision-cut timber for purpose componentry. Our customers include wall frame and roof truss fabricators; furniture manufacturers and importers; industrial manufacturers; packaging suppliers; distribution and logistic companies; independent and chain building material outlets, and wholesale timber distributors.

High and consistent quality of plant production is key to ensuring our customers are satisfied, and any additional capacity left can be offered to the broader market. Our internal team anticipates supply forecasts based on history and usage trends to predict confident production planning.

Programmed Timber
Programmed Timber
Programmed Timber
22 years in business
712 products
Programmed Timber
For information about any of our products or services, please use this enquiry form. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
