Join our team
Programmed Timber
We welcome the brightest and boldest because we know they will keep us moving on and up. If you’ve got the confidence to grow with us, what are you waiting for? Our list of open vacancies is listed below, but we’re always on the lookout for great talent. Get in touch if you think you’ve got something extra to add to our team.
There are no current vacancies; please check back soon or email

Our Culture

Supportive, appreciative and rewarding, we’re a company that looks after our people. They are, after all, what sets us apart and powers us forward.

A continuous professional development program, regular all-staff events and a team spirit make us hard to beat.
Programmed Timber Programmed Timber Programmed Timber

Future focused

Our people get us there, keep us there and look to the future. They make us who we are now and who we will be.


We reward talent with opportunity. We recognise hard work with generous rewards.


We welcome all. A rich, diverse workforce adds extra depth to our business.